God’s House in the City since 1893
Hephzibah House began in 1893 in New York City as a missionary training school for young women. Today, we offer hospitality to local Christians and those in vocational ministry from all over the world. We have a rich history offering missionary training, Bible teaching, hospitality and friendship!
“Hephzibah” means “God’s delight.” This Hebrew name comes from Isaiah 62:4, which reads “You shall be called Hephzibah, for the Lord delights in you.” We see God’s delight and favor over our ministry over the years, but “Hephzibah” is also our guiding star for hospitality ministry: every guest should sense God’s delight over them when they come through our doors. He’s so glad you’re here.
Our Founder & History
Mrs. Virginia Cortlandt dePeyster Field was a young and beautiful member of New York’s elite, and was destined to have great influence on the ministry of the House. Not only did she fund the purchase of Hephzibah’s first building, she was one of Hephzibah’s first Trustees and also the first Director of the ministry. In 1893, just before Christmas, she organized and chaired a dedication service in the first Hephzibah House, a four-story brownstone residence on West 56th Street. The main speaker that day was Dr. A.B. Simpson, after which a large number of guests were invited to tour the newly furnished building.
Two weeks later, on January 2, 1894, Hephzibah House Bible Training School opened with lectures on the Bible and English lessons in the morning, then nursing, sewing, and practical work in the afternoons. Students in residence were charged $4.00 per week for tuition, board and room.
In 1895, Hephzibah House moved to larger quarters at 263 W. 25th Street, where it remained until its final relocation in 1924 to the present brownstone residence at 51 W. 75th Street. By 1897, the name had expanded into “Hephzibah House Bible Training School and Home of Rest” and this remains the official title to this day, although for simplicity’s sake, it is known as Hephzibah House.
Many missionaries, primarily young single women, were trained at the school and went on to serve all around the world.
For over 130 years, Hephzibah House has been a place of prayer, outreach, and rest. Today, it continues to serve as an affordable guest house for those in vocational ministry to be able to visit New York City. Our guests come from over 20 countries and 44 states (and counting). The House is also a hub of Christian activity in New York City, unifying the church and empowering its people. Hephzibah’s beautiful spaces serve as a venue for dozens of ministry events every month, including Bible studies, artists’ gatherings, fellowship events, meetings, and conferences.

Corrie ten Boom- a notable guest

Elisabeth Elliot - a notable visitor

Missionary women trained at Hephzibah

Our library in the 1920s

Parlor in the 1920s

Staff photo on the roof

A.B. Simpson spoke at our founding ceremony

Staff posed on the front stoop

"Tuesday Niters" weekly dinners

Bible teachers Laura Gayley and Alice Hamblin

Virginia Field in her later years

HHouse staff and teachers