
We welcome you to Hephzibah House and hope your stay with us is restful and enjoyable. To make your stay with us the best it can be, please review the following information:  

Security: In case of emergency, call 911.  When you enter the building, please make sure the front doors close and lock behind you.  There is no evening curfew, but please do not ring the doorbell after 8pm; please use your key set.   

If You Need Assistance: The front desk is open from 8am-4pm and our staff is happy to assist with needs that may arise. If you have an urgent matter that cannot wait until morning (i.e. lockout, plumbing issues/leaks, new sheets for a sick child, etc) please contact our Director: Call 212-787-6150, then press 1.

Food: Please eat meals and snacks at the tables in the parlor or library, rather than in your rooms.       

Wifi: network is HHouseGuest; password: brownstone     

Check out:  Please check out by 10am.  We are not able to allow late check outs, but you are welcome to store your luggage to pick up before 8pm.  If you need to check out before 8am, please leave your key in the red box on the front desk.         

Private events:  HHouse is a popular place for local churches and ministries to hold meetings, Bible studies, arts events, worship nights, and more. We make sure all parlor floor events end strictly by 10pm to respect your need for rest and quiet. Don't feel self-conscious about passing through events-in-progress if you need to- it's all part of the experience!     

Coffee and tea are served in the parlors from 8:30-11am each morning, and a Keurig station is available at all times in the side room by the library.

Visitors: Please meet any visitors in the parlors.  Only overnight guests may go to the upstairs levels of the house.         

Sound carries easily in this old house!  Please be mindful of other guests regarding noise, hallway conversations, or cell phone use.  Quiet hours are from 10pm-7am.

Bathrooms are shared between guests on each floor, so we encourage you to do tasks like makeup and hair styling in your guest room to keep the bathrooms available.  If the bathroom on your floor is occupied, feel free to go up or down a floor to use the facilities there.     

Iron, ironing board, and hair dryers: These can be found in closets located on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors - hanging on the inside of the doors. If you need any help locating these closets, please ask a front desk associate. We just ask that you please make sure to empty the water tank and let the iron fully cool before returning it to its place in the closet.

Room Considerations : Please hang wet towels and clothes on the racks provided in your room, rather than on furniture.  Extra pillows and blankets are available in your closet or chest of drawers. Prohibited items include candles, incense, tobacco, weapons, drugs, alcohol.